Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Level 2 Google Checkout integration -

Full Level 2 Google Checkout integration! Google Checkout helps you increase sales by:

Attract more leads.
Shoppers who see the Google Checkoutâ„¢ badge on your AdWords ads will more easily find you when they search.
Convert more leads into sales.
A fast, secure checkout process helps persuade shoppers to buy on your site and buy more often.
Process sales for free.
For every $1 you spend on AdWords, you can process $10 in sales for free. For sales that exceed this amount or if you don't use AdWords, you can process them at a low 2% and $0.20 per transaction.
Protect yourself from fraud.
Our fraud prevention tools stop invalid orders from reaching you. And our Payment Guarantee policy helps protect you from chargeback's.



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