Sunday, September 20, 2009

Storehost Mobile Commerce Suite - Mobile Storefront

Storehost Mobile Commerce Suite is our new flagship, commerce enabled Mobile Website solution. Our new Mobile Commerce Suite places big budget Mobile website authoring with-in reach of all merchants who want to take advantage of the simply massive explosion in internet capable handheld devices.

Visit our Storehost Mobile Commerce Suite page for further details and avaibility of our new Mobile website service.

Yahoo! Store Mobile Website Service -

In the last several years Storehost OCS has come a long way but I would like to share some of the most recent developments. First up is our new Yahoo! Store Mobile Website Service this new Mobile Website service will generate a complete Mobile device version of a Yahoo! Store with advanced Mobile search capabilities. Private beta begins in November. 

Its been a while!

I'm back! Looking forward to sharing whats new with Xfactor Multimedia Inc.